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ICD-U40 Frustration

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ICD-U40 Frustration
PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 5:40 pm     Reply with quote

I built my own prototyping board with a rj11/12 connector. MCLR is pulled up to 5v via a 47k resistor. B3, B6 and B7 connected and not used in the program. The proto board has it's own 5v power. I'm using a pic 16f877a. The program loads OK via the U40. I am using the short cable supplied. I can set a breakpoint. Occasionally, the program stops there, sometimes it just runs. If I recompile and reload with the debugger enabled and leave the breakpoint, it becomes a phantom breakpoint. I shows up, doesn't work and can't be removed except by restarting PCW. I get the "invalid clock value..." error regularly, I sometimes get the "tbytestack empty" error, and sometimes blank error windows. I can almost never step (f7) after stopping at a breakpoint and data is displayed in watch windows but I'm not sure I trust what I'm seeing. The fuses I use are


with a 10 mhz ceramic resonator. I'd love to be able to use the ICD as an ICD, but it takes more time to debug the debugger than I'd like.
I can't believe it's that flaky or there would be more complaints in the forums. I guess I'll try a very simple program and see if I can get the ICD to debug at all. Am I alone in this frustration?

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Re: ICD-U40 Frustration
PostPosted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 5:48 pm     Reply with quote

dreiber wrote:
The fuses I use are


What happens if you enable the DEBUG fuse?

Re: ICD-U40 Frustration
PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 10:59 am     Reply with quote

dreiber wrote:
Am I alone in this frustration?

No you are not! I am going thru the same issue as we speak! I have an open ticket with CCS about exactly that! I get random breakpoints (it stops at places where I do not have a breakpoint, I get that "invalid clock error" ALL the time! I CANNOT debug.

I am using a pic18f452, and was told to replace it with one with an internal osc., so I'm going to try the pic18f4520.

Said that, I am at the point where I am going to return the whole ICD and pay some $$$ for one that works! I was going to switch from Microchips ICD-2 which works 100%, but is slow in debugging speed. So I switched to the ICD-u40 as they state that the debugging speed is faster.

I would not know about that!!! Sad Sad Sad

I will post any findings I get from CCS...

~Kam (^8*

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 4:33 pm     Reply with quote

Hi all,

Well, I changed my mcu to the pic18f4520. Since it has a 8mhz internal osc, I use that.

EVERYTHING works fine with mplab and ICD-2, now when I to the CCS environments, problems still.

Still get "clock error"
Still get "verification" errors


~Kam (^8*

Re: ICD-U40 Frustration
PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 10:42 am     Reply with quote

dreiber wrote:
The fuses I use are


I did find something strange...

When you run the debugger, what is the MCU speed at the bottom?
Mine says "...MCU at 0.99mhz" (even though I am running at 8mhz).

I got this program from CCS tech support, see if this works for you...not me, same errors. You will have to change the speed to match your 10mhz


#include <18f4520.h>
#device ICD=TRUE
#fuses intrc_io,nolvp,nowdt,nobrownout,noput,noprotect
#use delay(clock=8000000)
#use rs232(baud=9600,xmit=pin_c6,rcv=pin_c7)
#define GREEN_LED PIN_a5
output_high(green_led); // <--- I put break point here


Out of 10 attempts with the above code, only once (10%) did the MCU become 8mhz in debugger, and when that happened, it worked. The second I noticed the MCU changing to 0.99, error again. This happened about 5 "steps" into the code

I am at a loss on whats happening.

~Kam (^8*

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 5:26 pm     Reply with quote

The whole thing seems to work better with a pic16f877 running at 20mhz rather than a pic16f877a running at 10 mhz. I'll have to try a pic 18f452.
Maybe the 10 mhz resonator wasn't happy. More to come...

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 7:39 pm     Reply with quote

Actually, the debugger is working flawlessly with the pic16f877 at 20Mhz.
I tries two different pic16f877a's at 10 Mhz with no luck.

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more again...
PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 11:27 pm     Reply with quote

I found that the debugger works great with a lot of parts, just not the pic16f877a. I've tried a pic16f877, pic18f452, pic18f4520 and pic18f4525 with no problems at all. I reported this to CCS. I've tried several pic16f877a's. at several frequencies. Errors and strange stuff but only with this particular part.
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