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rs232 LED BLINK pıc-to-pıc communication
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Joined: 31 Oct 2016
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2023 3:53 pm     Reply with quote


I can eliminate the values those cause problem,
so I can obtain what I want I think...

Khansokhua, you are a historian at heart. Just remove the facts that don't fit your interpretation of events and the answer is what you want it to be. Why not simply setting a variable at the desired value then? It would fit. Why measure at all? Forget now that RX-TX nonsense, that should be solved like ten times by now. I must ask. Your tutor gives you an assignment. How can you proceed to the next one without solving the first one? I said it once or twice before. Solve one problem at a time. Serial. Ditto. ADC. Ditto. Do not do it all at once, if even parts of it are not 100% working. You are jumping from ADC problems to serial problems, to motor control. Solve them one by one. This is in my opinion the longest thread without any solution. And there was some effort trying to help you.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2023 5:21 pm     Reply with quote

I get the impression that 'troubleshooting' and 'flow charting' aren't taught anymore ? Also wondering what level of school this is ?
I understand why they're using 20 year old is a PROVEN PIC and frankly everything he's asked us IS 'on the web' somewhere.
Hopefully this is real devices and not Proteus..... Shocked

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2023 7:59 pm     Reply with quote

temtronic wrote:
I get the impression that 'troubleshooting' and 'flow charting' aren't taught anymore ? Also wondering what level of school this is ?
I understand why they're using 20 year old is a PROVEN PIC and frankly everything he's asked us IS 'on the web' somewhere.
Hopefully this is real devices and not Proteus..... Shocked

Some people just can't mentally connect the troubleshooting dots. I've seen it in quite a few people over the years, including a well seasoned engineer 15 years my senior. Everyone's different.

It's a lot worse if an instructor falls into this category. They tend to put their students off troubleshooting.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2023 1:59 am     Reply with quote

The funny thing is that this mindset, also works for a lot of other things.
I keep getting asked by people to find things for them on the web, that
they can't track. Usually takes less than a second to find them, by using
some of the advanced search options to ensure that the (often getting too
'smart') search engines are genuinely looking for the really key terms.
Narrowing things down to look for the key problems is exactly the same
The same problem seems to be 'age independant'.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2023 2:13 pm     Reply with quote

Mr T wrote:
The same problem seems to be 'age independant'.

Absolutely agree.
Perhaps this modality is linked to the learning methods, where almost everything is already assembled,
packaged in a modular way so that with a video in youtube, a whole project comes out working correctly
in a short time and with minimal learning process effort, everything takes place on the surface...
The interesting and exciting of this hobby or science -IMO- is facing an electronic project is solving of the
whole challengeges of hardware + writing code and optimizing it in countless trial and error adjustments.
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